Black Men Stop Letting Other Black Men Disrespect Our Black Women: Ari Lennox x Teyana Taylor Degraded by Twitter Troll.


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In the words of muva Bey, “I like my negro nose with Jackson 5 nostrils.” I logged on to ig on a humbug last night and noticed my pretty, Ari Lennox, on a yet another live rant. I love Ari’s lives, but this one was different, Ari was speaking from the point of confusion, sadness, and anger. And the ladies viewing the live were LIVID!!

Apparently, a young black man felt the need to try and slander Ari Lennox and Teyana Taylor’s beautiful features via Twitter. See tweet below:

Then, Ari responded with this:

Twitter: AriLennox

And soon Teyana followed up tweeting:

What perturbed me more than the fact that this black man tweeted this, was the 3K likes that he received as a result of his ignorance. I get it, were in the age of doing everything with the intent to go viral, but you should never achieve success by disrespecting another person. Everyone has their opinions, but why when it comes to tearing down women and their looks the first people to tear us down is our men? Clearly, “King Kwasi’s” tweet hurt Ari. She took to IG live to express her disgust in the comment by the twitter guy, while thousands of women expressed their disappointment in not just him, but black men in general. “Why are you so comfortable tearing down black women?” Ari asked on live.

Instagram: AriLennox

Why don’t y’all defend us? I’m going to cut straight to the point, yes, the twitter troll received a ton of backlash, but from black women. Of course! Black features are the most sought after features in the WORLD! Every single Kardashian has been enhanced to mirror our features! But, why don’t y’all love our features on us? This is a serious question. What do your mothers look like? Is her nose broad? Is her lips full? Is her hair kinky? I’m pretty sure the same features Ari and Teyana were blessed with are also the same features that your mothers have. So, why can’t you guys respect them on our women?

Instagram: TeyanaTaylor

What’s even more annoying about this situation is that the disrespect is never ending. The most disrespected being on this earth is the black woman, and we still stan for our black men like no other. Regardless of their disrespect, we love and go bat for our men through everything. We shouldn’t have to apologize for our bold features, our strong spirits, our passionate ways, or the noses that we’ve been blessed with. Simply because, y’all don’t apologize for shit. In 2020, black men, defend us the way that we defend y’all. We’re tired of the disrespect!

Update: Black Twitter is tearing King Kwasii to shreds, but that still doesn’t solve the problem.

What do you think? Leave your thoughts below!